Twitter, Facebook And Google Owners Are Gay Men Who Push Extremist Sex

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Jonathan Yaniv is a notorious Canadian pervert who has filed 16 human rights complaints against women for refusing to wax his genitals. Yaniv claims to be transgender, using the name “Jessica.”

A week after the feminist blog Gender Trender exposed Yaniv’s history of describing pedophilic and voyeuristic behavior online, WordPress deleted the entire Gender Trender blog and announced a new policy that “deadnaming” (identifying someone by their birth name) is a terms-of-service violation. When people on Twitter began commenting about this egregious situation, Yaniv and/or other transgender activists got those accounts suspended and, apparently, Canadian feminist Meghan Murphy’s Twitter account has been permanently suspended and Twitter announced its own anti-“deadnaming” policy.


The ramifications of this new policy are alarming. Twitter’s devotion to transgender ideology is such that, apparently, all anyone needs do is to declare that they “identify” as the opposite sex (we have no evidence that Jonathan Yaniv has done anything else in the way of “transition”) and this empowers them to silence their critics on social media platforms. Even someone as prominent as Meghan Murphy — founder of Canada’s leading feminist website — can be banished for speaking out. Certain facts are now prohibited as “hateful conduct” and, evidently, it would now be a violation of Twitter terms of service to quote news coverage of the 2013 trial of Bradley Manning:

A former confidante of the WikiLeaks suspect Bradley Manning has defended her decision to hold an online Q&A about the soldier’s forthcoming trial, despite her having been named as a key defence witness.
In an open session on the Reddit website, Lauren McNamara said she believed the leaking of hundreds of thousands of classified documents was “irresponsible” but added: “I don’t think Manning had any intention of assisting ‘the enemy’ in his actions.” . . .
McNamara’s involvement in the trial stems from online chats she had with Manning almost a year before his alleged leaking of state and army secrets to the whistle-blowing WikiLeaks website. Manning contacted McNamara — who at the time went by the name Zachary Antolak, but adopted the female persona “ZJ” online — in 2009, while [Manning was] preparing to be deployed in Iraq.
In a series of web chats which have since been made public, the young soldier confided about his sexuality and the bullying he had endured as a gay man in the army.


In 2009, Zachary Antolak communicated with Bradley Manning and, in 2013, these facts were publicly reported, but in 2018, facts are hate, and no one is allowed to say “Chelsea” Manning is a man formerly known as Bradley Manning or that “Lauren McNamara” (aka “Zinnia Jones,” aka “Satana Kennedy”) is a man formerly called Zachary Antolak. This is totalitarianism, reminiscent of Stalin-era propaganda, when Trotsky was airbrushed from historic photos of the Bolshevik Revolution.

People who create fictitious personas for deceptive purposes are being permitted to persecute anyone who exposes their deception. Twitter’s policy is to protect the liars and to punish the truth-tellers.

So WordPress and Twitter changed their TOS after feminist women exposed the man (in tech)who is suing 16 working class women for refusing to wax his genitals, & posted his comments about wanting to help little girls with their tampons.

That’s some depraved boy’s club they have.

— Leya (@Indy_Leya) November 24, 2018

Grow up @jack. This is just stupid. #IStandWithMeghan #FreeMeghan

— Drew68 (@TheRealDrew68) November 25, 2018

Important thread. Read it before Twitter decides it's hate speech, deletes the tweet—and possibly suspends the account. Meghan Murphy already has had her account deleted for questioning mind/body gender mysticism. Many more likely will follow before sanity returns at Twitter.

— Jonathan Kay (@jonkay) November 25, 2018

The hashtag #IStandWithMeghanMurphy is being used on Twitter to raise awareness of the totalitarian transgender tendency.

What we need is an Army of Davids, so to speak, to put the “Streisand Effect” into action here. If everyone who stands for free speech were to tweet this simple message — “Jonathan Yaniv Is Not a Woman #IStandWithMeghanMurphy” — how many thousands of messages might be generated? Could the Thought Police at Twitter ban everyone?